Join us for our opening night film TULLY followed by our after party!
What kind of film could you create if you were given 48 hours, a character, a prop, and a single line of dialogue? Find out tonight as we screen films from this year’s 48 Hour Film Project. 5 After 5 Productions - Fractured Blue September Films - The Cakeicide Buffoonery Films - Snap Fair Creek Films - Us and Them Introverse Productions - A Hazy Tune Manmauji Films - Record Breaker Midlife Crisis - WTF Mutant Geek Videos - God is a Dude Short Bus Talking Pictures - The Lady’s Bro Swag Chef Chef - Handy Andy #2 T2 Productions - Kraxos Team Dharma - Infectus The Randoms - Brushing it Off The Tribe - Social Bonding Why April? - Association for Sheep Safety
What kind of film could you create if you were given 48 hours, a character, a prop, and a single line of dialogue? Immediately following our 48 Hour Film Project screenings we’ll award this year’s winners. 5 After 5 Productions - Fractured Blue September Films - The Cakeicide Buffoonery Films - Snap Fair Creek Films - Us and Them Introverse Productions - A Hazy Tune Manmauji Films - Record Breaker Midlife Crisis - WTF Mutant Geek Videos - God is a Dude Short Bus Talking Pictures - The Lady’s Bro Swag Chef Chef - Handy Andy #2 T2 Productions - Kraxos Team Dharma - Infectus The Randoms - Brushing it Off The Tribe - Social Bonding Why April? - Association for Sheep Safety
The winners of Best World Cinema Short and Feature juried awards.
The winners of Best Documentary Short and Feature juried awards.
The winners of American Spectrum Lens Short and Feature juried awards.